John Gilbert Retires, Capping a 43-Year Career

John Gilbert, who has worked 43 years in the investment industry—the last ten as senior research consultant at Bradley, Foster and Sargent—began a well-earned retirement on July 31.

“I thought BFS was an exceptional firm when I accepted their offer 10 years ago,” says John. “I think that’s even more so now. For one thing, the quality of the people—the way younger employees are recruited, selected and brought along, is truly outstanding. Then there is the ability to consistently apply sound investment principles and ensure that everyone has a basic model in mind about how to win in investing. If you get those things right, you’re going to succeed.”

Prior to joining BFS, John spent 27 years at New England Asset Management, Inc., where he served as chief investment officer. Ironically, he began his undergraduate studies at Brown University intent on becoming a doctor. But by his junior year he’d become fascinated with economics and investing and immersed himself in the writings of Warren Buffett, John Templeton, Peter Lynch and others.

Leaving the pre-med program, he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and went on to earn an MBA at Harvard. “If there is one piece of counsel I would offer young people, it’s to follow your own path, wherever it takes you,” John says. “Don’t compromise your aspirations based on the need for approbation from others.”

As he begins the next stage of his life, John is looking forward to continuing to indulge his passion for reading and learning, traveling with his wife Debbie and spending time with their five adult children, who are scattered through the U.S.

“John will be missed at BFS,” says Chairman and Portfolio Manager Robert H. Bradley. “It’s impossible to overstate his value to the firm and our clients over the past decade—as a colleague, friend, mentor, thinker and one of the industry’s most highly regarded research professionals. We offer him our best wishes for a wonderful retirement.”


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